Hi! I am Saksham

I am a student and a Programmer.

About me

I'm a computer science student and aspiring programmer who loves coding, problem-solving, and exploring new technologies. I enjoy building projects, taking on coding challenges, and contributing to open-source. Outside of programming, I’m passionate about reading, music, and constantly learning new things.


As a computer science student, I'm continuously learning and building my skills in programming and software development. I am learning C++ and Python, which I use to strengthen my problem-solving abilities and understanding of data structures and algorithms. I’m also exploring HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for web development, along with low-level programming to deepen my knowledge of system architecture and performance optimization.



A simple ray tracer in C++. It implements ray-sphere intersections, shading, reflections, and basic scene rendering. This project provided me with hands-on experience with fundamental ray tracing concepts, including vector math, color blending, and recursive reflection, creating simple yet visually appealing 3D scenes.

Skills: C++, Mathematics, Computer Graphics

Github Link


A Python bot that gathers memes from Reddit and compiles them into a video. It uses an unofficial Reddit API to fetch random memes, processes them with MoviePy, and uploads the final video to YouTube. Additionally, the bot sends status updates and video links to a Telegram chat automatically.

Skills: Python, APIs, Web Scraping, Automation

Github Link